September 21

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

For this assignment, I had to set 5 goals for this year. These goals had to be S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and


I think that goal setting is critical because if you don’t set goals you will never know what you are trying to accomplish, and what you are working towards. Also, goal setting will help you be determined, and work harder towards your goals.

My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are…
To get a 90%+ average in all my classes by the end of the first semester.
  • By studying hard to do well on my tests. 
  • By working hard on my projects and assignments in all subjects.
To pass my DELF French quiz and get my diploma of French-speaking.
  • Practicing speaking French with my friends 20 minutes a day.
  • Try to listen and work hard on my French assignments.
  • Practicing with a French Tutor for 1 hour a week.
Score one goal in my soccer league.

Obstacle: Playing as a defender

  • Training hard at practices.
  • Playing more offensively in games.
  • Practice long-range goals at the start of practice
Successfully read my parsha for my Bar Mitzvah.
  • Studying 3-4 new lines every week.
  • Getting help from my Bar Mitzvah teacher.
Pass my Hebrew Exam at the end of the year.

Obstacle: Not wanting to study

  • By learning five new Hebrew words every class 
  • By studying with friends to help me study
I want to work on talking/interrupting less during Hebrew class by the new year.
  • Listen more in class
  • Stop myself from talking
  • Ask the teacher if I am improving
I want to be able to comprehend Hebrew better.
  • Practice Hebrew every day for 10 minutes
  • Ask for help when I don’t know more challenging words.